Metal Forgings

Welcome to Metal Forging Pvt. Ltd.

Metal Forgings is a leading manufacturer of light to heavy forged components in India. With more than 60 years of experience, strong commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, state-of-the-art manufacturing facility we provide superior forging services by merging latest technology, automation and professional expertise.

Welcome to Metal Forgings

Leading Forging
industry for over
Six decades

Year of Inception


Factory Area

20000 sq. meter

Installed Capacity

36000 MT
per annum

Organisation Strength


Our Brand

Delivering excellence &

exceeding expectations.


Forging Quality,
Bulding Trust

At Metal Forgings, we pride ourselves on using only the highest quality raw materials, to ensure our products meet global standards of durability and performance.

Our commitment to excellence in material selection guarantees reliability and customer satisfaction.